Dr. Jessica Shantz

Doctor of Chiropractic
Contemporary Medical Acupuncture Provider

Dr. Shantz graduated from the University of Guelph in 2016 with an Honours Bachelor of Science in Human Kinetics. She continued her education at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC), in Toronto, and earned her Doctor of Chiropractic Degree in 2020. Dr. Shantz additionally attained her Contemporary Medical Acupuncture Diploma from McMaster University in 2019.

Jessica grew up locally on her family farm outside of Bloomingdale. She has been a part of the Woolwich community for a number of years, playing both hockey and soccer in Woolwich. In her spare time, she enjoys being outside as much as possible and spending quality time with family and friends.

Dr. Shantz’s passion for chiropractic began as a keen interest in the human body. She was amazed with the biology, anatomy and mechanics of the body and how these systems work so well together to allow us to move without even thinking about it. From her high school days playing hockey, soccer and rugby she had firsthand experience with injuries and began to recognize what happens when all of those systems aren’t working flawlessly. From this, Jessica began to appreciate chiropractic care and its role in restoring optimal function and health so we can continue moving and doing the things we love.

Dr. Shantz uses an evidence- based chiropractic approach to assess, diagnose and create a comprehensive treatment plan. She focuses on identifying and understanding the root cause of her patients’ condition. Dr. Shantz uses a diversified range of treatment techniques, focusing on the chiropractic adjustment as well as acupuncture, soft tissue therapy, education and exercise.